Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Intermission - Liebster and some explanations!

So first of all I want to apologise for the slow updates once again. Free time? Got lots of it. But goddamn are these posts a pain to write sometimes. This is why I'm an artist and not an author ;;
Hawthorne legacy, btw, has slow updates (and by that i mean no updates) due to problems I'm having with my game preventing me from actually playing. The game literally crashes after like twenty minutes and I lose everything. Hopefully I can fix that soon...

Anyway! So. Apparently, theres a thing called the Liebster award. And I was nominated for it by Nocriel - huge thanks for that!!

So what is the Liebster award? Well, I think the easiest way to explain it is to show off the rules...

- Say thank you to the person that has nominated you for the award.
- Answer the 11 questions the person has asked
- Nominate people (comment on their blog to let them know)
- Ask the people you have nominated 11 questions

My nominations and questions can be found at the bottom of the post. For now, let's answer some questions. :)

1. Who's your favorite sim?
Zachary! He's such a nervous wreck, and there's just something about constantly worried characters that I like. Kylie makes for a close second.

2. Do you stage a lot? How do you do it?
I actually don't stage at all! Unless you count little things like directing a sim to cry on another's shoulder after someone's just died, of course.

3. Is there a roll you'd really hate to play?
Deadbeat parents. Just, please no. Don't neglect the children. I wouldn't reroll if I got it, as I actually rerolled already (for the first generation. I rolled 5-star celebrity and I don't like the celebrity system), but man I just don't like the idea of neglecting the kids.

4. How about a roll you'd love to play?
Animal Wrangler or Equestrian, perhaps. I love pets. :P

5. What is your favorite Sims EP and why is it Pets?
...Pets. Definitely Pets. I'm a huge animal person and in real life, I'm the crazy cat girl and honestly there just feels like something... missing without animals in a household. Even if it's just a parrot or something.

6. What parts of yourself as a person in real life do you recognize in your sims (personality, experiences, appearance or whatever) or your story in general? Don't say nothing, I'm convinced there's always a little bit of yourself in your sims! :P
Like Zachary, I, too, am a worried, nervous wreck. Oops.

7. What lifespan do you play your RLC on/how many sim days?
The default.

8. Would you play Sims 3 without any CC or mods?
Considering that I already do... yeah. Take away my expansions and I'll bite you, though.

9. What other games do you play? Do you know Heroes of the Storm (I do not get paid by Blizzard, I'm just curious...)?
I'm sorry, I don't know Heroes of the Storm. D: I'm really, really into Pokemon, myself, but I also play Don't Starve and Portal. And I love story driven games and visual novels, especially mysteries!! Danganronpa, anyone?

10. What's a hobby of yours other than gaming/writing?
Art! I'm the resident art kid. I draw and paint and sometimes, photography too. Mostly just drawing, though. 
Oh, oh, and online roleplaying. That's always cool.

11. Is eleven questions too many?
Nah, just the right amount. :)

Now. Nominations!

I. Don't actually read a lot of legacy blogs (I've been meaning to catch up), but I'll throw down the ones I read anyway. I think most/all of these have already been nominated in the past, and if they don't want to answer my questions feel no obligation to!

--The Koyangi Legacy - Nocriel - Oops, you're the one that nominated me. But your legacy is a lot of fun to read, and hey look! C A T S!
--The Winterly Legacy - Marcy - This one I started reading, but I ended up losing my place. Oops. Still, I love your sense of humor so much. I should pick it up again later.
--A Clover and a Bee - Owl_face - I have yet to read this one because the heavy storytelling is intimidating (one day, though!), but you comment on every update I post. You and Nocriel are the only ones, and it means a lot to see that I have consistent readers who are enjoying my legacy. Thank you.
--The Only Way Is Up - Gemly_teddie - First RLC I read, and what got me into the whole thing in the first place. It's gone quiet recently (I believe the author had a baby..?), but even so. It's cool.
--Chaos Theory - Melynx - First of all, I love the name. I read up quite a bit before, like with the Winterlys, I lost my place. I intend on picking this one up again, too. Bloom is such a charming character :)

I reckon that's enough nominations. Questions!!

1. I hear most people use mods and CC in their games - which ones do you consider to be the absolute necessities, and why?

2. How long have you been playing the Sims for?

3. Out of all of your Sims, which do you find to be the hardest to write and why?

4. ^And who is the easiest?

5. Moving away from the topic of Sims temporarily, do you read often? What's your favorite book?

6. What kinds of music do you listen to whilst writing for your legacy, if any?

7. On average, how long does it take for you to write an update?

8. Are you a cat person or a dog person? Or neither?

9. If you could add one thing to the Sims that isn't already in an expansion, what would it be?

10. And if you could remove one thing, what would it be?

11. Why do you think its eleven questions and not ten?

Once again, thank you Nocriel for the nomination!! Hopefully, I'll be able to update soon.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Update 2-5

Dear mom and dad...
Hey!! It's Zachary, but you already know that. I made it to university just fine, in case you were wondering. I just got home from the meet and greet. I wish it was a little later, I barely finished unpacking in time. I got the same dorm room again - it's familiar. I like familiar
I met some of my dormmates, too.  They're... interesting. Most of them are decent enough, but... this one guy just randomly walked up to me and tried to make, ahem, romantic advances. Total stranger. Didn't even get his name.
Clark is coming for another term, too. I don't like Clark. He's lazy, ignorant, and selfish. He doesn't do any work and yet he still gets more than anyone who does and it drives me up the wall! Worse still, he has the talent to do great things, and I can tell he does, but since he's so lazy it all goes to waste!
 Ugghhh...but I shouldn't lose my temper. I know. It's just a bit frustrating is all.
But enough about that. I started classes. Drawing and painting sure looks easy, but... it's really not. I got credits towards my degree based on my cooking skill, but cooking has absolutely nothing to do with this course. So I'm the one in an art course that doesn't know how to draw anything more than a stick figure, and everyone else around me is really talented. They don't say anything, but you can tell that they're judging me, and I'm the weird useless guy again who's only here to do their laundry sometimes.
 They think I'm gullible too. You know, the other day one of them put up green makeup and started roaring at me and pretending to be a zombie. Of course he wasn't a zombie. If he was, he'd've bit me. He just stood there making dumb noises, even when I laughed at him. He kinda stunk, though. I wonder if any of them take showers. 
They had a big fire party. A fire party! Do they want the place to burn down?! Firefighters like you, mom, are working themselves to the bone to keep Simnation safe from fires, and then sims like this just run around playing with it like it's a toy. You know, some science kid threw chemicals on the fire! Chemicals!!
I couldn't get to sleep that night. I was scared that they were going to burn the place down while I was in bed and I wouldn't be able to get out in time. I just stayed up and checked after them to make sure they didn't leave the taps on and flood everything whenever they use them.

The dorms didn't catch fire, miraculously. But do you know what did?
The oven! They really should offer cooking courses - if this girl knew even the basics of how to use an oven, this wouldn't have happened.
The fire department showed up really fast, though, thankfully. Good thing we all had a fire alarm.
I got my report card in a few minutes ago. Guess what!! I got an A! I have no idea how I managed it, honestly. I don't think I learned anything about art from this. But hey, I got the grade!!
Graduation is tomorrow. Same place and time as last time. Do you think you can make it? I know notice is short, but maybe if you take the fire engine you can make it...
 Anyway. I'm out of time. I gotta go to bed now, so that I can be up early tomorrow. Night mom, night dad.
--Love, Zachary

Honestly, it's been like a month and all I have for you is this. But really, I couldn't extend it beyond this point. It'd just be forced and clunky and all that.

No misc screenshots, this time, unless you want more images of Zachary in a lecture hall. You don't want more images of Zachary in a lecture hall. It's not interesting at the least.
You'd think there'd be more happening in a university, but n o p e. Just some kid trying to graduate from art college by drawing stick figures. As an art student I can confirm that you would not graduate with an A by doing that. Hell, the professor would probably just get annoyed that you bothered to show up when you clearly had never drawn in your entire life. But these are sim professors so anything goes.